A research driven education

Our Health Professions Education Centre (HPEC) provides staff with a wide range of learning and development opportunities from formal education qualifications and peer observation, through to in-house, bespoke training sessions.

Our Health Professions Education Centre (HPEC) provides staff with a wide range of learning and development opportunities from formal education qualifications and peer observation, through to in-house, bespoke training sessions.

The centre also helps our educators to generate new knowledge about health professions education and to bring this to an international audience through educational research.

We are a member of the Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) Collaboration and we are a BEME International Collaborating Centre (BICC). With this designation, we support the production and use of BEME reviews to promote a culture of evidence informed health professions education across all RCSI campuses and hospital sites. This is achieved through:

  • the sharing of information across a network of interested teachers, with the aim of creating a culture of best evidence medical education;
  • the dissemination of information that allows decisions about teaching and learning in medicine to be made on the basis of the best evidence available;
  • the production of systematic reviews of medical education that reflect the best evidence available and meet the needs of the user.

We produce reviews and support translating evidence about medical education into action that improves our student experience.

In 2019 amongst the most downloaded papers from 2019 medical education journals was an RCSI review generated by the Department of General Practice and HPEC: 'A Best Evidence in Medical Education Systematic Review to determine the most effective teaching methods that develop reflection in medical students'.