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Giving healthcare professionals the skills to organise better

  • Education

At the heart of a dedicated world-leading health sciences University, RCSI’s Graduate School of Healthcare Management offers a safe and stimulating learning environment for healthcare professionals and leaders worldwide. The School has the academic expertise and technology to respond to the growing demand from healthcare workers for learning interventions that are accessible, flexible, contextual and experiential. Here Professor Robert McMurray, Academic Director at the RCSI Graduate School of Healthcare Management, outlines why it matters that healthcare professionals have the skills to organise better.

There are few sectors more exciting than health and social care. It contains the brightest minds and the latest technology focused on caring, healing and maximising wellbeing.

It is an area in which decisions and actions can be the difference between life and death. It is a complex space in which hundreds of organisations and professions come together to tackle grand challenges with limited resources.

Where it is run well, we witness the best of human endeavour from life-saving surgery, to health promotion and the care of our vulnerable. Where it is mis-managed, there is a danger that resources are squandered, populations suffer and individuals are exposed to tragedy.

This is why managing and organising matter. It matters how we allocate resources and deploy talents. It matters how we ensure safe high-quality care. It matters how we treat not only patients, but also those nurses, home helps, occupational therapists, surgeons and the innumerable other people who provide our care.

The RCSI Graduate School of Healthcare Management understands what matters. We aim to equip health and social care professionals with the skills they need to organise better.

Informed by cutting edge research, our Masters programmes graduate the next generation of leaders charged with developing care that is innovative, well-organised and safe. Our diplomas help doctors, nurses and other professionals combine their caring skills with clinical leadership and technological understanding. Our short courses and executive education help managers tackle the complex problems they face today, while also preparing for a better tomorrow. We believe in helping professionals organise better care wherever they are in the world.

Find out more about the programmes on offer at the RCSI Graduate School of Healthcare Management.

Robert McMurrayProf. Robert McMurray is Academic Director of the RCSI Graduate School of Healthcare Management. His work has been publishe  in a range of leading management journals including Human Relations, Work Employment & Society, Public Administration, Organization and Social Science & Medicine.

RCSI is committed to achieving a better and more sustainable future through the UN Sustainable Development Goals.