Musculoskeletal Injection Therapy


This module, which aims to address the training needs of health professionals working in musculoskeletal medicine, focusses on development of knowledge, advanced reasoning and practical skills pertaining to the use of joint and soft tissue injections in the management of upper and lower limb musculoskeletal conditions.

This module is ideally suited to doctors working in orthopaedic, rheumatology, sports medicine and general practice settings, as well as allied health professionals, such as physiotherapists and nurses, working in advanced practice/musculoskeletal triage roles, alongside consultants, in public or private rheumatology or orthopaedic hospital clinics.

The module is delivered by senior faculty of the RCSI Schools of Physiotherapy, Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences and Medicine, as well as medical and physiotherapy clinicians who use injection therapy in their day-to-day practice.

Course dates (onsite at RCSI Dublin):

  • 10/11 April 2025
  • 1/2 May 2025


Module content includes:

  • Review of relevant musculoskeletal anatomy
  • Principles of injection therapy techniques
  • Clinical decision-making
  • Pharmacology of joint and soft tissue injection therapy
  • Professional, legal and safety issues
  • Appraisal of research evidence

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate advanced clinical reasoning in relation to the rationale for and evaluation of injection therapy in the management of musculoskeletal conditions
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the evidence base for the use of injection therapy as a singular or adjunctive therapy
  • Demonstrate safe, effective and competent practice in the technical application of injection therapy
  • Understand the ethical, legal, health and safety issues regarding the use of injection therapy


  • 2,500 word written assignment related to musculoskeletal injection therapy (40%)
  • Practice placement portfolio (2,000 words) demonstrating evidence of clinical reasoning related to use of injection therapy (60%)

This must also include a record sheet which demonstrates evidence of 10 successfully completed injections supervised by mentor (record sheet not graded).

Please review the entry requirements information carefully on the apply page before completing your application.