HSE CEO Paul Reid delivers RCSI Leadership Lecture

Paul Reid, CEO of the HSE delivered the first in a new series of RCSI Leadership Lectures at RCSI last night.
Mr Reid’s delivered his lecture on the topic “Leadership in healthcare: My perspectives after six months” to an audience of more than 200 health professionals. The lecture is the first event of RCSI’s Millin Meeting programme, an annual surgical conference, which takes place this week.
The RCSI Leadership Lecture Series, hosted by the RCSI Institute of Leadership, provides a forum to explore and discuss the opportunity and challenges in supporting leadership capability within the health sector in Ireland. The series invites distinguished individuals from within and outside the healthcare sector to share their leadership insights and experience with the audience.
Speaking at the lecture, Mr Kenneth Mealy, President of RCSI commented: “It is our great pleasure to welcome HSE CEO Paul Reid to RCSI to deliver a Leadership Lecture, as the opening event of the Millin Meeting, to share insights into his perspectives after six months in the role.
“RCSI has strong working partnerships across the HSE and we look forward to working closely with Mr Reid and his leadership team to support our shared agenda of improving patient care. We know that progress in health comes about through broad based leadership and through partnership between management and clinicians so this type of engagement with the HSE is critical. We will continue to support Mr Reid in his endeavours to improve surgical services and the wider health service.
“Tonight’s RCSI Leadership Lecture is an important platform to bring together health professionals to gain insights into the HSE vision so we can work together in our respective leadership roles to improve healthcare nationally.”
Pictured (l-r) are Professor Cathal Kelly, CEO, RCSI; Sara McDonnell, Head of Operations, RCSI Institute of Leadership; Paul Reid, CEO, HSE; Mr Kenneth Mealy, President, RCSI; and Eunan Friel, Managing Director of Healthcare Management, RCSI.
Paul Reid was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the Health Service Executive in May 2019. In his role he leads over 117,000 dedicated staff who deliver a wide range of health services across Ireland. His vision for the health service is to focus on long term planning by implementing Sláintecare and delivering effective and safe services within available resources.
Previously, Paul led large organisations in the private, not for profit, central and local Government sectors. He held the role of Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, one of the largest Local Authorities in the state and he was Chief Operations Officer in the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.