Research and Innovation
RCSI is purposefully committed to solving the greatest challenges of modern healthcare.
Our translational research enhances patient treatment, informs policy and clinical practice, and improves the quality of education of healthcare professionals.
Making a difference
Award funds project at RCSI, Converge: Centre for Chronic Disease and Population Health Research.
RCSI researcher Professor Killian Hurley has been awarded a grant to conduct innovative research into treatments for pulmonary fibrosis.
Researchers have discovered key molecular changes that drive the spread of breast cancer to the brain.
Researchers in largest-ever study discover specific changes in our DNA that increase the risk of developing epilepsy.
As an exclusively health sciences-focused educational and research institution, RCSI is uniquely placed to drive translational research which benefits patients and the community.
Explore our researchInnovation
We work with industry partners, licensees, RCSI spin-out companies and other key stakeholders across all healthcare sectors to bring our innovative medical research from bench to bedside.
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