Practising robotic surgery at the RCSI SIM Centre for Simulation Education and Research.)

Foundations of Robotic Surgery

Continuous Professional Development Support Scheme

This course will introduce candidates to the theory and principles of robotic surgery in preparation for safe robotic surgical practice.

Candidates will be instructed by our faculty of expert robotic surgeons as well as world-class aviation and medical simulation educators, and will be introduced to the theory and principles of robotic surgery in preparation for safe robotic surgical practice.

Over the course of nine learning modules you will fully understand the foundational principles of robotic surgery, including: the history of the field, robot and console setup, the fundamentals of operating, achieving robotic surgical competency, and much more.

I felt really underprepared for my first robotics case. I discovered IMRA through a colleague, completed the online Foundations of Robotic Surgery programme, and learned so much about how to safely practise robotics. This was training delivered by surgeons. I was a lot more confident for my next case.

Urology Registrar, Foundations of Robotic Surgery participant.

Excellent. Engaging and high quality, very user-friendly and very professional. A great introduction to robotics.

Gynecology and Obstetrics Registrar, Foundations of Robotic Surgery participant.

Content relevant, practical and in depth, unlike the robotic education you get anywhere else. I liked that it was being taught by expert surgeons.

Surgical Registrar, Foundations of Robotic Surgery participant