
Vice Chancellor’s Outstanding Achievement Award presented to Professor Douglas Veale

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Pictured is Professor Cathal Kelly, Vice Chancellor, RCSI presenting the Vice Chancellor’s Outstanding Achievement Award to Professor Douglas Veale, RCSI Class of 1984.

Professor Douglas Veale, RCSI Class of 1984, has been announced as the recipient of the Vice Chancellor’s Outstanding Achievement Award.

The award recognises Professor Veale’s pioneering achievements in the field of rheumatology, commitment to clinical and research excellence, and dedication to patient care. He is the first recipient of the Vice Chancellor’s Outstanding Achievement Award, which forms part of the suite of Alumni Awards that have been celebrated annually since 2019. 

Professor Veale graduated from RCSI in 1984 and completed his training in Dublin and Waterford, before gaining his MRCPI in 1988. He began his career in rheumatology in 1989 when he was appointed as rheumatology research fellow in Beaumont Hospital.

During the 1990s, Professor Veale worked and trained abroad in Sweden, France and the UK, gaining experience in minimally invasive joint tissue sampling techniques, undertaking specialised needle arthroscopy training at both the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and at the Hospital Cochin in Paris, and holding the position of Deputy Chairman of the Division of Medicine at Leeds University, where he designed and introduced a unique modular programme for integrated specialty teaching. 

In 2001, Professor Veale returned to Ireland and to St Vincent’s Hospital as Consultant in Rheumatology and General Medicine while simultaneously holding the role of Medical Director of the Rheumatic Musculoskeletal Disease Unit at Our Lady’s Hospice and Care Services, Harold’s Cross.

Pictured (l-r) are Professor Cathal Kelly, Vice Chancellor, RCSI; Mr William Grant, RCSI Class of 1984, FRCSI 1989; Vice Chancellor’s Outstanding Achievement Award recipient Professor Douglas Veale, RCSI Class of 1984; Professor Laura Viani, President, RCSI; Professor Gerry McElvaney, Head of School of Medicine, RCSI; and Aíne Gibbons, Director, Development, Alumni Relations, Fellows and Members, RCSI. 

Throughout the early 2000s, Professor Veale established an international reputation in translational research in the areas of early inflammatory arthritis including rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, and autoimmune diseases including scleroderma, with a particular interest in biopharmaceutical therapies, biomarkers of disease and response to therapy. His specific scientific expertise centered on synovial histopathology, cytokine biology and angiogenesis.

Professor Veale’s work bridged the gap between science and clinical practice and led to the establishment of the Centre for Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases (CARD) at St Vincent’s Hospital, which was recognised by EULAR (the European League Against Rheumatic Diseases) as a Centre of Excellence in 2014. 

Speaking at the award ceremony, Mr William Grant (Class of 1984, FRCSI 1989) acknowledged how Professor Veale’s clinical and research endeavours have had a direct and positive impact on patient care. He said: “Doug is a true pioneer in the field of rheumatology, and his contributions have had a profound impact on our understanding and treatment of rheumatic diseases. His enthusiasm is driven by a passion for healthcare in turn driven by a desire to achieve better ways of delivering better healthcare and to relieve suffering in his patients.”

Presenting the award, Professor Cathal Kelly, Vice Chancellor, RCSI said:  “Professor Veale is a role model for aspiring researchers, clinicians and students alike, and there is no doubt his work continues to inspire new generations of scientists and physicians. I am delighted to present the Outstanding Achievement Award to Professor Veale, which is a fitting recognition of his exceptional contribution to driving improvements in human health.”