Four nurses walk along a hall)

Overseas Aptitude Test – General Nurse

Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery

Application process

Information about how to apply for the RCSI Overseas Aptitude Test is available below.

Apply now

Step 1: Apply to NMBI

Apply to the NMBI for a recognition of qualifications, which involves comparison of your qualifications with the Irish education standards and requirements.

Possible outcomes:

  • qualifications recognised
  • submit missing document(s)
  • qualifications refused for recognition
  • a compensation measure is required

Click here for more information.

One of the compensation measures is the RCSI FNM Aptitude Test for Overseas Nurses.

Step 2: Prepare to apply for the test

Before you apply for a place on the test you are strongly encouraged to fully familiarise yourself with all of the information contained in this website. You should consider if you are:

  • eligible to take the test
  • ready/prepared to take the test
  • interested in taking the test

If required, you should have a prospective employer; an employment contract. 

Step 3: Apply for the test

You will need to complete an online application and upload four documents with your application. Do not commence application until you have the four documents ready for uploading:

  • Recent photograph
  • Biography/biometrics page of passport/ID
  • Proof of payment (refer to Fees page)
  • NMBI decision letter that must: be in date; state it is the General Nurses Division that applies to your application; and state that you need to successfully complete a compensation measure and that one of the compensation measures is the RCSI FNM Aptitude Test for General Nurses.

Upon receipt of a correctly completed application for the test, an invitation is sent within five days.

Important note regarding the NMBI decision letter:

  • The onus is on each applicant to ensure that their NMBI decision letter is in date
  • The NMBI decision letter must be in date on the first day of the aptitude test
  • The NMBI decision letter is for one Aptitude Test (two attempts)
  • RCSI cannot answer any queries regarding NMBI decision letters. Please contact NMBI directly.

Step 4: Obtain an Atypical Working Scheme (AWS) letter of approval

If you require an AWS letter of approval, then application should be made. Allow sufficient time and check the website for expected time required. RCSI cannot answer any queries in relation to Immigration requirements (please refer to the Irish Immigration Service).

Step 5: Obtain an entry visa

If you require an Entry Visa, then application should be made. Allow sufficient time and check the website for expected time required. RCSI cannot answer queries in relation to Immigration requirements, including employment needs (please refer to the Irish Immigration Service).

Step 6: Confirm your place

No later than 17 days prior to a test date, RCSI FNM sends you further information regarding your test together with a booking confirmation form. The completed form must be returned by 10am (Irish Standard Time) on the Tuesday (11 days before the test date). The completed form cannot be returned unless you are sure you are going to attend and if required by Immigration then you must attach your AWS letter of approval and/or your entry visa. If you do not require an AWS letter of approval or an entry visa then you do not need to upload with your booking confirmation form. RCSI cannot answer queries in relation to Immigration requirements, including employment needs.

Step 7: Present for the test

MCQ: You are required to bring your passport plus a one-page copy of the biography/photo page of the passport. If you have got a new passport since applying for the test then bring both passports and a one-page copy of the biography/photo page of both passports.

OSCE: As the practical part is a simulated setting, you are required to present as if you are working in the clinical environment, taking into account all aspects pertaining to comfort, clothes (uniform) footwear, hair style, make-up and jewellery.

Important note regarding timeframe within which the test must be completed, effective for applicants taking the MCQ on or after 12 August 2023:

  • With reference to the specified repeat dates on the webpage: The applicant must complete both attempts at both parts of the test (as relevant) within twelve (12) weeks from the date at the first attempt at the theory part.
  • If not completed within this timeframe then the NMBI is notified that the applicant is not continuing with the test. 
  • In the event of exceptional circumstances an applicant may apply for an extension. 
  • The onus is on the applicant to ensure all documentation remains in date to include NMBI-related documentation plus immigration-related documentation.
  • Any change in dates must be agreed by agent and prospective employer. 

Step 8: Results

Results of the theory test are issued via email by 6pm on the day of the test. If you are successful in the theory test, you are invited to the OSCEs/practical test.

Results of OSCEs/practical test are issued via email by 2pm on the Wednesday following the test. If you pass then your results are sent to the NMBI, where you can then progress with your registration.

If either part of the test is failed on the first attempt, then a proposed date for the repeat is offered. If an applicant fails either part of the test on the second attempt, then the NMBI is informed.

Step 9: Registration with NMBI

When an applicant successfully completes the RCSI FNM Aptitude Test for Overseas Nurses, NMBI is informed. NMBI then emails the applicant advising how to proceed with the application for registration. The applicant can track the progress of the application via the MyNMBI online portal. The applicant must ensure that they have logged in to their account and updated their personal information to ensure that they receive this email.

Please direct all further queries to NMBI. RCSI cannot answer any queries regarding registration with the NMBI. You can find more information here.

RCSI has now completed its communication regarding the Aptitude Test and wishes each applicant a happy and successful career.

Test dates, at least twelve months in advance, have been included here to help with planning. An extra test date/s may be added depending on demand. A test may be cancelled, for example, if there is an insufficient number of applicants. Please refer to this page for any changes to test dates.

If you have a request for a specific test date (other than the one that is open at the point of application) write it on the bottom of the proof of payment with a brief reason as to why it is being requested.

An applicant must be ready for the test date 11 days in advance of a test date, including having, in-hand, if required by Immigration, an in-date AWS letter of approval and an in-date entry visa. This is to allow for booking confirmation.

Note: If there are any changes to your status with the test then you must immediately email Refer to changes to test status on this webpage.

Possible Theory/MCQ Possible Practical/OSCE
(first attempt)
Possible repeat Practical/OSCE
(second and final attempt)

  2 November 2024
2 November 2024 9 November 2024 30 November 2024
9 November 2024 10 November 2024 30 November 2024
10 November 2024 16 November 2024 30 November 2024
16 November 2024 23 November 2024 14 December 2024
30 November 2024 1 December 2024 14 December 2024
18 January 2025 19 January 2025 8 February 2025
19 January 2025 25 January 2025 8 February 2025
8 February 2025 9 February 2025 1 March 2025
9 February 2025 15 February 2025 1 March 2025
1 March 2025 2 March 2025 29 March 2025
8 March 2025 9 March 2025 29 March 2025
29 March 2025 5 April 2025 26 April 2025
26 April 2025 27 April 2025 24 May 2025
24 May 2025 25 May 2025 21 June 2025
21 June 2025 22 June 2025 26 July 2025
26 July 2025 27 July 2025 16 August 2025
16 August 2025 17 August 2025 13 September 2025
13 September 2025 14 September 2025 4 October 2025
4 October 2025 5 October 2025 18 October 2025
8 November 2025 9 November 2025 22 November 2025
22 November 2025 23 November 2025 6 December 2025

Please note: Tests do not take place on a weekend that is linked with a public/bank holiday in the Republic of Ireland.

Do you need to change your test date? If yes then email exactly as follows

Option 1: Your NMBI Decision Letter must be in date on the first day of the test (MCQ) If yours will not be in date then immediately email as follows: 
My name is     
My eight-digit RCSI number is    
The first day (MCQ) of my current test date is     
My NMBI DL expires on (date) which is before the first day of my test.

Option 2: If you are currently living in the Republic of Ireland & you want to go on waitlist for an earlier test then email as follows: 
My name is 
My eight-digit RCSI number is               
My current test date is       
I would like to go on a waitlist for (specify date) 
I am currently living in the Republic of Ireland & my agent & prospective employer are in agreement.

Option 3: If you have all documents in hand but not currently in Ireland and you want to go on waitlist for an earlier test then email as follows: 
My name is 
My eight-digit RCSI number is                
My current test date is               
I would like to go on a waitlist for (specify date) 
I have all required documents & my agent & prospective employer are in agreement

Option 4: If you need to postpone then email as follows: 
My name is            
My eight-digit RCSI number is             
My current test date is                 
I need to postpone because (give brief reason) 
My agent & prospective employer are in agreement.

Option 5: If you need to withdraw then email e as follows: 
My name is             
My eight-digit RCSI number is               
My current test date is                  
But I need to withdraw because (give brief reason) 
My agent & prospective employer are in agreement.
(Refer Unused Fees & Administration Charges in FEES section of this webpage)

Change in agent/prospective employer
An applicant can only have one application at a time for the test. You must withdraw, in writing, from the initial agent and/or prospective employer before commencing with another agent and/or prospective employer. The written evidence, together with the below form, must be submitted to Upon satisfactory receipt of same, the initial application will be withdrawn and a new application can then be made. Email the following details:

My name is             
My eight-digit RCSI number is               
My current test date is        
Agent at point of initial application
Prospective employer at point of initial application
Have you included written evidence of leaving initial agent and/or prospective employer?


If you have any queries, please:

  • Carefully read all the sections on this website
  • Discuss your query with your agent (if you have one)
  • If you still have a query after reading the website and discussing with your agent, briefly put your query in an email to ensuring to quote your NMBI six-digit reference number.