Access and disability

RCSI participates in the Higher Education Access Route (HEAR), which supports school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds and the Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) which supports students applying to RCSI with a disability.

School leavers applying through the CAO, who provide the necessary evidence relating to their socio-economic circumstances and/or disability, are eligible to compete for places allocated on a reduced points basis through the HEAR and DARE schemes.

HEAR supports are only available to students who are resident in the Republic of Ireland. DARE supports are available to all Irish and EU school leavers applying through the CAO.

More information on the number of places allocated to HEAR and DARE students in RCSI and how to apply can be found below.

You can also find out more about education, access and widening participation at RCSI here.

Please note: Priority is given to applicants with physical and sensory disabilities and those who are both DARE and HEAR eligible. Any places remaining are assigned on Irish Leaving Certificate points ranking.

Learning access and facilitation service

RCSI offers advice, practical assistance and reasonable accommodations to prospective and current students with a disability, significant medical condition or evidenced specific learning difficulty. Further information on these services are available through the University's Centre for Mastery: Personal, Professional and Academic Success (CoMPPAS) office.

The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) offers places on a reduced points basis and extra college support to school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds who are resident in the Republic of Ireland.

Applicants deemed eligible for the HEAR scheme, are considered for a reduced points place on an RCSI Undergraduate programme provided they:

  • Apply to RCSI via the CAO and submit all relevant HEAR documentation within the agreed CAO deadline dates.
  • Meet the minimum subject and grade requirements for admission to the programme. 

The number of reduced points HEAR places allocated to each RCSI Undergraduate programme is outlined in more detail below:

CAO code Course HEAR intake target
RC001 Medicine 3
RC005 Pharmacy 3
RC004 Physiotherapy 1
RC006 Advanced Therapeutic Technologies

More information on HEAR and how to apply correctly can be found on the Access College website.

The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) is a third level alternative admissions scheme for school leavers whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education. DARE offers reduced points places to school leavers who, as a result of having a disability, have experienced additional educational challenges in second level education.

Applicants deemed eligible for DARE, are considered for a reduced points place on an RCSI Undergraduate programme provided they:

  • Apply to RCSI via the CAO and submit all relevant DARE documentation within the agreed CAO deadline dates.
  • Meet the minimum subject and grade requirements of the programme.

The number of reduced points DARE places allocated to each RCSI Undergraduate programme is outlined in more detail below:

CAO code Course DARE intake target
RC001 Medicine 3
RC005 Pharmacy 3
RC004 Physiotherapy 1
RC006 Advanced Therapeutic Technologies 4

More information on DARE and how to apply correctly can be found on the Access College website.