Visiting other libraries

To support your learning and research you may need to visit other libraries to access information resources not held in RCSI Library’s collections.

Please remember that access is granted at the discretion of the host library. Prior to your visit you should check with the library if there are any access restrictions in place.

For further information ask at the Information Point (RCSI Library, 26 York Street) or the Information Desk (RCSI Library, Beaumont Hospital) or email

Casual visits to other libraries

If we do not have the book or journal you need to support your research, please ask for a letter of introduction to another library which has holdings for the material of interest. The letter must state what materials you wish to consult. Prior to visiting the other library, you must acquaint yourself with that library’s visitor guidelines, noting in particular any access restrictions for visitors or guidelines for your first visit. 

Library Link: CONUL Access Scheme

Library Link: CONUL Access Scheme (formerly ALCID) is a co-operative arrangement among the major academic libraries on the island of Ireland, enabling card-holders to access participating libraries. No borrowing is allowed.

Full-time RCSI academic staff and students registered for higher degrees (Masters, PhD) are eligible to apply for a Library Link card to facilitate their access to Member libraries. Please complete the application form here. The card can be collected in person at the Information Point, 26 York Street or it can be posted out. This form should also be completed for renewals.

SCONUL access

SCONUL is a co-operative arrangement among most of the major Irish and UK academic libraries, enable cardholders to register and borrow from any of the participating libraries. A list of participating libraries is available on the SCONUL website.

Full-time RCSI academic staff and research postgraduates are eligible to apply for a SCONUL access to facilitate their access into SCONUL Member libraries. Please apply using the online application form. If you require assistance please contact us.