Innovation Lab
The Innovation Lab at RCSI SIM in a hub for the simulation-based community to develop and explore new ideas with faculty, researchers, educators, students and simulated patients.
The lab supports simulated-related projects to create bespoke physical simulation models, including design, material evaluation, prototyping, testing and production to enable more authentic and accessible learning environments for students. These models can then be modified and improved upon after iterations of simulation testing. They are then assessed for their impact on learning outcomes and integration into existing and upcoming teaching programmes.
Simulation science within the innovation lab enables discovery for advances in healthcare education. The lab facilitates networking, knowledge transfer, interdisciplinary collaborations and mentoring, and helps to bridge the gap between simulation research and clinical practice.
The lab enhances the use of the simulation environment for the design, development, risk and implementation of novel products and processes, prior to their introduction into clinical simulation settings and beyond. From 3D printing replacement parts for existing simulation models to printing bone like structures and other anatomical features to test. We also work on crafting human-like tissues from everyday materials in a sustainable and cost-effective manner. These materials can be characterised and verified in accordance with standards to develop the specific clinically relevant characteristics for high-fidelity device design. The lab is open to all ideas and creativity.