
Core Surgical Training (CST)


A key feature of the surgical training pathway is the principle that career progression is linked to trainee performance. Performance, in turn, is measured by a robust and comprehensive assessment process.

A critical point for career progression is transitioning from ST2 (i.e. the end of CST) to ST3 (the start of Specialty Training). This transition from ST2 to ST3 is a competitive process, which is based on two components:

  • Component A: Performance during CST (60%)
  • Component B: ST3 specialty selection interview (40%)

A prerequisite for transition to ST3 is passing all parts of the Membership Exam of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) or the MRCS (ENT) exam. This is an intercollegiate exam, which is based on the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme and tests the knowledge and clinical skills required of trainees at the end of CST.

More information, along with exam dates, is available in the exams section.